Is the CRT an IRA Life Saver?
No more stretch IRA for your client/donor? Here are 7 ways to use a CRUT--seven strategies, four types of charitable remainder trust, design and drafting tips, and investment management techniques to make it work. This one hour+ video course with PowerPoint slides and outline covers a step-by-step analysis illustrating which of the four forms of CRUT works best for each of your clients or donors and why.
You’ll discover design and drafting tips for CRTs as well as IRA beneficiary designations to make it work. You will know how to make sure it fits your client’s or donor’s needs. These seven proven techniques will blossom for you and lead to new gift generation. You will understand how the technique you choose works with investment management strategy to achieve the client’s goal of stretching IRA distributions over lifetime in a tax-exempt vehicle. You may think it is off the beaten path planning right now, but one day you may find it’s just what you need.
Total US retirement assets were $33.1 trillion as of September 30, 2020. Retirement assets accounted for 34 percent of all household financial assets in the United States at the end of September 2020.
✓ Seven Powerful Techniques Give Life Back To The New Secure Act
✓ Important CRUT Features to Know When Using IRA Funds
✓ Income in Respect of a Decedent and the CRUT
✓ The Seven Best Strategies
✓ Creating a Framework for Analysis
✓ What Might Keep You Awake at Night: Avoiding Things That Go Thump